- Name: NANCY L. BICO, K5 Adviser, Character Ed Teacher, Principal
- Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 2:16
- Favorite food: any kind of egg dishes, fruits, and vegetables
- Hobbies/Skills: reading, scrapbooking, bowling, writing, shopping
- Most memorable moment at IBBA: During the National School Choice week, when one of my former students wrote me a very touching letter of how I made an impact in his life.
By God’s grace, we try our very best to live true to this commitment. With a mission to establish classroom procedures, rules, and routines to the kindergartners since first day of school, the habits spread and carried on up to the last day of school. The mission is accomplished as I see my students work their best to adhere to the routines.
The four hours behind classroom door put us to work and studying. The class starts with group prayer with our hands held together in circle. Children say their prayer requests and bring them to God. First subject is Bible. From creation to crucifixion and prophets to disciples, these are all learned. Second subject is language with penmanship, phonics, reading, spelling as components. All learned to write cursive letters in correct formation. They, too, learned to apply letters and sounds to spell, read, and write sight and advanced words and sentences. Math is another subject that excites the class. The drills thrill them the most. Science makes the children discover God’s world and HIS beautiful plan for all of them. Another subject that enlivens learning is social studies. This allow the kids not only to learn about our own country but also to see the different realms of the world, learn their culture, and a little about their language. With all these subjects combined, readiness skills of each student have developed and improved significantly.
Our kindergarten door that welcomes students to enter has let them in. They knocked for education and it was opened to them. They sought far more than this, and they received eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Lord
Proud Kindergarten Teacher,
Mrs. Nancy L. Bico